Yougov and the internet
Long time since I've blogged folks. Sorry about that. I'll have to do a catch up blog soon.
Reason for this blog is that I'm currently watching the Government 2010 conference being broadcast live from London via the internet. Great use of technology. I can watch the action and post feedback via twitter and see what other twitter users are saying. It's the future.
However a couple of things have got me annoyed. First speaker was the president of YouGov, you know the online polling people. Been a member for ages, spent ages working doing their surveys etc. Now they pay out at £50, so far I got to £46 and guess what? Yes, haven't been ased to do a paid survey for months. And during the talk, he said that YouGov must 'doing things right' otherwise there will be adverse comments on blogs... you mean like this one? (Must point out the there are other online polling companies
He also talked about colleges. Asking why students attend lectures by second rate lectures when they can be taught on-line from a Nobel prize winning lecturer. Couple of points
1) Huge slur there on college lecturers.
2) Is Obama be able to teach all students?
3) What about the one-to-one service college lectures offer, feedback, gearing the lesions to fit the students. Running at their pace, Adding the personal touch.
4) I'd like to see them do some of the courses at Sue’s college on-line. Dog grooming on-line… nah mate, can't be done.
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