Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Teenagers - Who'd have 'em

A friend of mine has two kittens. Her teenage son declared that it was his turn to name the family pets and this was agreed. My friend was worried about the sort of names that a teenage boy would come up with. After all she was going to be the one that would be stood at the front door calling their names out to get them to come inside. So she struck a deal with him. He had free reign over the names as long as they were biblical names. He agreed.

Next day he announced that he had come up with names for the kittens. One would be called after a book in the Old Testament and the main character within it. The second kitten would be called after a person that appears in the Book of Genesis. Incidently both characters also appear in the Jewish religion and are also Prophets of Islam from the Muslim religion. So as well as being biblical the names are also multi-faith.

My friend was pleased on how her son did as he was asked and gave them biblical names and not some stupid names.

And so it came to pass that the kittens are called..

Job and Lot….



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