Friday, January 26, 2007


There are quite a few things I want to do this year, exploring new things is one of them. This entry is a first for me. The first time I’ve written a blog on a train. It’s a 442 pig as well. Yes I know that you thought that they had been withdrawn, but no about 5 of them are still around and if I don’t get my usual Virgin Voyager train home I will generally end up on a 442. Long may this continue.

I’ve got a friend who works for Garmin, you know the GPS people. We are having a meeting at work in February for all out GIS users and we’ve been asking companies that we know if they would send us some freebies to hand out to people at the meeting, give a good impression of us etc. Well I cheekily asked my Garmin friend. I haven’t had too much dealing with him of late, something I hope to correct in 2007 and he is such a good bloke. Anyway, yes he said he’d try and find us some things. You know pens, post-it notes etc. Well today the porters delivered a HUGE box to my desk full of sunglasses. I was totally gobsmaked. I know that Garmin was quite a customer friendly organisation but this was just incredible. Many thanks to them and to my mate for organising it. I owe you a beer (or many beers) my friend.


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