Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Well yesterday was spent mostly watching the starlings in the garden. We've had a flock of them around for a while, but now we have 12 young starlings, ho pester their parents and anyone else for food. They fight between themselves like mad and its so fun watching them.

Horror this morning, found a line of feathers across the garden. I bet one of the neighbours cats has got one of the birds. How I hate those cats.

However good news tonight, the blue tits have got young. At least two were being fed and house martins were spotted for the first time this year flying above the house among the swifts

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Well I'm back on blogger.com but this time I going to use their FTP facility to upload to my own site. I hope to carry on with daily blogging again. However I won't be transferring my old blogs to this new blog.. The old stuff was rubbish anyway.