Birds and camera lens
Just a quick catch up blog. Nothing much happening at the moment. Planning out the veg garden for the summer. Looking forward to that.
Bad news is that my telephoto lens on my camera is broke. Don't know how it happened, just tried to use it at the weekend and it wouldn't zoom. Going to have to save my pennies to get a new one.
Spend Saturday at Sue's parent. Whilst Sue was doing her good daughter bit and gave her mum an hour long lession on how to use a PC, Sue's dad and I sat watching the birds. They have a few feeders in their garden which use almost constant use. Even the local male phesant came up to pick up the scraps. What a beatuiful birds when you light shines on it. New birds to add to my Hampshire 2008 list were Marsh Tit, dunnock and partridge.
Sunday was pottering around the house. Didn't get anything like I wanted or should have done. Did set up the new bird feeder station that Sue gave me for Valentines day. Put out some Nyger seeds in a feeder. Now I'm not sure if its connectied but within a few hours we had a new visitor to the garden. A grey wagtail. First one ever in the garden that we've seen and a new addition to my Hampshire 2008 list, which now stands at 59. Only 20 below what I'd seen in the whole of 2007!