Slug City
My horoscope in the Metro freeby paper said today that I should do some creative writing. ‘My novel awaits’, it said. I think the nearest I’m getting to a novel is this blog. Not that I take any notice of horoscopes, but I admit that I do read the metro one. Most of the time is gives good advice, such as ‘don’t jump to conclusions’, be a nice person, try to help someone today and so forth. Its more like a public information film, you know, Charlie says don’t cross the street without looking first. What ever happened to horoscopes that predicted that you will receive a strange parcel, or that you destiny links you to the letter C.
Anyway, Tuesday morning and I’m writing this blog on the train to work, having just had a week off. See Sue’s blog for details of that. Will say that I had a fabbo time in Derbyshire. I’ve slept in the same bad a John Noakes you know, but not at the same time.
I’ve come to the conclusion that there aren’t enough animals and birds that eat slugs. Its slug city in our garden at the moment, all the rain yesterday bought them out, I’ve used a whole bottle of salt trying to kill them. Hedgehogs are supposed to eat them, but I doubt that the ones we used to have ever eat them. Some birds are supposed to eat them as well but none that visit our garden. We should create a slug eating monster I think.
Work starts on our front garden today Its only a matter of weeks before I have my own greenhouse..Still a bit bervious having it at the front rather than the back of the house, not that there is any room at the back. Hopefully it will be OK. Will be totally brill to have one, Hopefully I can keep it slug free.