So Mel says to Charlie, that according to Facebook, I'm still stiff from gardening at the weekend. I'm update my facebook page, a bit more often than I blog but not much. So I felt that I had change my facebook line. Saying that I was heading to B&Q tonight. This lead to another complaint, this time from Anne, basically saying, forget B&Q, get blogging! So here I am. Trying to please all the people all of the time.
Yes did go to B&Q. Got some compost, some mainsonary paint for a project I'm doing in the summer and a couple of pepper plants. Now watching a film. The Core. It is rubbish, the only reason we're still watching it is that it does get so stupid that it becomes funny. The acting is a bit rubbish as well. The only famous person in it being Hilary Swank and even some of her acting isn't that good, I think that even she can't do much with this rubbish script. Getting towards the end of the film now, and its just get too unbelievable.