Saturday, March 17, 2007

Catch up

Another while since I blogged, again many apologies to you all.

Tuesday was a sad day, off to the funeral of Sue’s Uncle. Even though I only met him a couple of times it was still an emotional day. I guess seeing the people I’ve met from Sue’s family being upset, will affect me.

Wednesday. Band practice with my new drum sticks bought off eBay. They are OK. We didn’t play too well tonight. Our timing was all over the place, of course being a drummer that’s down to me!

Thursday – Been thinking about our geocaching of late. Sue and I haven’t done much of it recently. We currently on 441. I suggested that we try and hit 500 by the end of the year. And to my surprise she agreed. Still it sonly about 6 a month, surely we can do that.

Friday, After speaking to Charlie yesterday about the bands timing, he suggested I buy an electronic metronome. It arrived today. Hopefully once I’ve worked out the number of beats/min of all the songs we do, Timing shouldn’t be a problem anymore.

Saturday. Sue’s off to her parents to deliver Mothers Day gifts. I went to football. Normally I catch the 11.07 train from Eastleigh and change 2 or three times on the way to Pokesdown, but today was different. We are playing Millwall, who’s fans have a bit of a reputation. So I walked to Southampton Airport Station via Lakeside Country Park. Picking up some more birds for my Hampshire list on route. E.g. Greylag Goose, Great Crested Grebe and Coot. My Hants list is now on 24. Anyway back to the football. Decided that trains from London were a no no. I know that I’m perhaps over cautious, OK there is no perhaps about it. But I just want a quiet life. So Down to Brockenhurst by a Virgin Voyager, and a new one for me. Then onto the stopper to Pokesdown. Glad to say that we won 1-0 but I’ve never been so nervious at a football match for ages. I don’t know why. Just really wanting the team to win. Train home was full off Millwall supporters but luckily no trouble.

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At 7:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geocaching? 281 and counting (13, should have been 15, last weekend). Right behind you;-)


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