Monday, March 26, 2007


Well another weekend come and gone. Where did it go?

Friday night I spent a couple of hours typing out an on-line job application form. Only to discover after submitting the form that it hadn’t saved most of my information. Now some of you might think that as I do the website for the council and it was on that same website that I was doing the applying on then it would be up to me to get the programme right. Well no, the recruit system was bought by HR and is nothing to do with us web guys. Anyway I was really tired and so I sent a e-mail to HR saying that the system has not saved my info and I would e-mail it to them over the weekend. I hope this is going to be OK.

Saturday was going off to football. Walked through the Lakeside Country Park on the way to Southampton Airport Station. I wanted to pick up a geocoin in the All Steamed Up cache and to see if I could spot any interesting birds to add to my Hampshire List. Got coin OK but no new birds, Though I did see that the Great Crested Grebes that are normally on one of the Lakes did have about 4-5 young with them. Ahhh nice…

Got to the station and I noticed that the train were only going as far as Southampton. Engineering work was forcing them to have a rail replacement bus service between Brockenhurst and Bournemouth. Thinking about it. It would take me a while to get to football in that case and more importantly longer to get home. Sue was desperate to ensure we got to the party we were going to that night at the moment it started. So I decided not to go to football and went home instead. Spent the rest of the afternoon sorting out my train photos on I’m planning to blog more about that another day.

Noticed that a friend of my had removed the link to my blog from his. Well two can play at that game and I removed his from mine. I know that was very childish and even though I really like this guy I hate being felt like I’m being taken for a ride. I’m the most loyal of friends but I also expect some loyalty in return. Is that too much to ask.

Went to the aforementioned party in the evening. It was Sue’s friends daughters 18th birthday party. So I was expecting lots of records from people with such stupid names as ‘snoop snoopy versus snooty shirty’ or the like. But no this group of teenagers would rather listen to hits from the 70 and 80. The DJ was miffed he hadn’t bought many of those records. Not only did these kids know the songs existed but knew all the words and all the dance moves as well. Now to me that speaks volumes about the current music industry if their main target group i.e. teenagers would rather listen to stuff produced before they were born that to anything that the industry is producing today.


Spent most of today sorting out the pictures I took at the party last night. The kids didn’t seem to mind about this strange middle-ages man taking pictures all the time. Took nearly all day to load them up and that was via a 56k modem. Heavens known what it would have been like if I used my normal PC with its 33k modem. Watched train videos whilst wanting for it to upload. Then spend another evening re-doing that job application. It’s for a Business Development Officer at the Library in case you were interested.

And now it’s Monday morning and I’m on the train hading for another boring week of work.

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At 2:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mentioned Cornish branchlines, ahem, elsewhere. That Black 5 was being tailed by a 37, presumably to haul it backwards out of St Ives etc.
It seems the weekends are totally fair game for the old "rail replacement service" at the moment

At 2:40 PM, Blogger Peter said...

Oh yes it seems to be every weekend these days, makes you wonder booking a train ticket for a Saturday or Sunday is worth doing..

At 9:10 PM, Blogger Anne Brooke said...

Hope work wasn't too bad, Peter - and good luck with the application.



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