Sunday, April 01, 2007

Manchester and spuds

Sue had warned me that I really shouldn’t blog too much about Dopey Doris, as it would make it look like I was obsessed with her. So all I say is that I was served by her on Thursday but finally managed to avoid her on Friday, but was served by someone equally as Dopey.

Had a good day Saturday. Went to up Manchester on the train. Did a quick bit of spotting at Manchester Piccadilly train station before heading out to the airport. There was another guy there who warned me that they were being a bit tight on security and he had to sign in as a visitor. Even had a visitors ID badge. Thanking him, I took a few train photos before heading off to the airport.

There used to be a couple of small portacabins on top of Terminal 1 car park at Manchester airport. One was a spotters shop selling anything from photos, books to radios and telescopes. The other was a snack bar. Looking forward to both I found to my horror that they had both gone. There are re-doing the surface of the car park. I do hope that the portacabins will return. Good afternoons spotting before return to the city centre to photograph more trains, the trams and the odd Buses. Now do I put the tram pictures in my train gallery (as they do run on rails) or in the bus section (as they do really operate more like buses). However I do collect tram numbers as they are listed in my train spotting books, so they are trains. But who would be more interested in seeing pictures of them, the train people or the bus people? Oh the decisions.

Today was a day in the garden after the coffee trip that Sue mentions in her blog. I’ve planted the spuds. Taken up more room that I had hoped, In my grand plan I was going to go for first early potatoes, and so try to get in some more veg in the plot they were in after they had been harvested. However, Sue wanted baking spuds, so I’ve gone for main crop. Meaning no extra veg, and now they have taken up half of another plot. Some serious re-thinking here I guess.

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At 9:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stupid work computer. Wont let me see your pics


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