Friday, August 31, 2007

Forward Roll

Another catch up blog. Quiet bank holiday weekend, Unfortunately my announcement on me getting better was a little premature. My stomach is still not right. OK It’s never been 100% perfect. I noticed that Sue has got some air freshener for the bathroom, Obviously its getting to her as well.

Quiet Bank Holiday Weekend… Did a lot of work on a new aircraft research project I’m doing. On the Monday we went off to Sue’s parents. Sue’s blog contains all I can really say on that, so there’s no need for me to duplicate it.

Took yesterday off as we had the scaffolders, putting up the scaffolding ready for the roof people to start work next week. Couple of young lads, who didn’t talk to me or to each other for that matter, that much, So I left them to it. Annoyed that they didn’t have the courtesy to walk around my veg plot, so a few of my leeks have gone for a burton.

Last night, Sue and I went to see The Grand Cirque, the BIC. Brilliant show. Amazing the strength and subtlety of the performers, I remember at Junior school having to do gymnastics. We started off on the forward roll. Something I never could do, I’d always end up on my side. The teacher tried to help me once but pushing me round the roll. I just span out of control and ended up as a big heap on the ground, feeling rather dizzy. Other kids had some real talent, and went on to master some complex moves, Particularly on the vault. Ever since then I’ve always admired people who such talents and will always watch gymnastics, if its ever on TV and I’m in the room at the time. So for me the show was jaw-dropingly good, Seeing such feats of strength, flexibility, balance and sheer nerve of the artists.


At 5:46 PM, Blogger Anne Brooke said...

I could never do the forward (or backward) roll either ... and hope you're in good health soon, Peter.




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