French Spitfire
Must have taken ages for this pilot to have built this half scale spitfire....
Must have taken ages for this pilot to have built this half scale spitfire....
Now all I saw was a headline on a newspaper. It said that 11 people have been charged with terrorism.... blimey - I thought all the Pakistani Cricket Team did was tamper with the ball (allegedly)... but to charge them with terrorism is a bit much isn't it...
Was chatting to someone at the weekend about sign language. so I thought I'd share with you a couple of signs that amused me at least.
Whoops a bit more catching up to do on the blog so here goes….
Again another catch up blog. Must get organised and write these on a daily basis. OK last Thursday I went to RAF Shawbury to see all the stored RAF aircraft there and a jolly good day out it was. Many pics will appear on this site when I get a chance to. Too many things I want to do, but not enough time. Now if only I could give up work. that would be good. Give me more time for more important things like blogging.