Thursday, September 21, 2006

Guys and Dolls

Ocassionaly there is a programme on TV that you didn’t see, but people chat at work about and you really wish that you had seen it. Well Monday night there was one of these programmes. Channel 5 had a programme called Guys and Dolls. Neal at work saw it and was raving about it all Tuesday. It was about these guys who have rubber dolls. Not the cheap plastic ones you see advertised in the Sunday Sport etc. But full life, realistic rubber dolls costing some £4000 each. They featured 5 guys on there. 4 of them from America and one from Christchurch.... Yes THE Christchurch, the place I pass through each day on the train. Apparently the Christchurch guy is one of the towns taxi drivers. The guys talked about how they can’t get a real woman, so settle for these dolls. They treat they like they were real. They put make up on them, take them out in the car for a drive and pine for them when they go away for their three yearly service. The programme sounded funny and cringeworthy at the same time. Neal phone up Channel 5 about it, they confirmed that they have got the rights to show the programme again, but have no plans to do so at the moment. I’ll let you know if I hear of its going to be on.


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