Leaving Baldock we head into Suffolk and staying the night at the Travelodge at Stowmarket. However, for the days entertainment we travel on to Woodbridge. We’ve heard that it’s a nice place. However we had a strange feeling. As we neared the town centre we’d realised that we’ve been here before. We did a cache in the park in the town centre. But on that occasion we didn’t stop long. I think it was a Sunday as the shops were shut anyway. But today today was a Thursday. So we popped into Buddens, bought sandwiches and went to the park in with the cache in it and eat our lunch. We both remember where the cache was but didn’t really look for it. Then off round the town.
One Charity shop we visited was the local Oxfam books Shop. Couple of nice books but their prices were ridicules. Books that cost £6 ten years ago, won’t sell now for £8 unless they are rare and unusual, which these weren’t.
At the end of the High Street was an Hotel and bar, We both fancied a break and so a quick stop for drinks. Which turned into a longer stop. But the beer was nice. Wanted to head down to the river before it got dark, which is on the other side of the railway line. Going over the bridge we noticed a woman waiting on the platform for a train. Nothing unusual about that you might think, but she had a video camera on a tripod. Oh something good must be coming through I hoped. And sure enough a DRS train with a Class 20 and a Class 37 slowly trundled through the station. With one nuclear waste flask in toe. Great stuff.
The river was nice. I did go for a walk further along the bank. Sue didn’t as she thought the path we be very muddy with the rain from the day before. However I discovered that the path was tarmac. Saw two more birds to add to my list. A turnstone and a Curlew. Had to turn back as it was getting dark and Sue was getting cold. Really must walk the whole length of that path one day. Maybe at low tide when all the waders are in..