Job, Family and Churches
Oh… got some blogging to catch up on… sorry about that dear readers. As you’ve probably read on Sue’s blog, things are happening at work. We have a big review going on with everyone’s jobs. We’ve just got out points that they awarded to our jobs, and given us a chance to appeal if we think we are worth more points. Which I think I am. However, points make…… yeah cash. BUT, they haven’t decided what points make what salary. It’s all a bit crap. So as regular readers already know that I’m desperate to leave, this doesn’t help my happiness, or lack of it here.
Other things are going OK. Weather was bad over the weekend, so Sue and I watch some films. During which I managed to post some more photos onto my bus photo and train photo sites. Glad I’m catching up with that. It was good to spend some quality time with Sue.
Been doing some family tree stuff. One of my distant relations, Daisy Olding, was married to a Bertie Humby. Via, I found a couple of people who are relations of Bertie. So all the people in their family tree must be relations of mine, albeit by marriage. So that’s another 3,800+ people to add to the tree (maybe)!!
Weekend before last we went to a book sale, one of the many books I bought was a book on parish churches. For years, every time I pass an old church I’d have a quick look. Well, since I bough the digital camera I’ve been thinking about getting pictures of them and that’s what I’ve been doing. Don’t worry Anne, this isn’t anything connected with religion, it’s just that they are interesting buildings. Anyway, up to now I’ve had the pictures on, but in the process of moving them to this site. Done one page for Weyhill Church, Hmpshire. I’ll have get the other pictures on there soon.