Photos, Shows and criminals
Tuesday morning and I’m on the train going to work. There is a bloke sat behind me with a huge B.O. problem. Well I hope it’s him and not me…
Just thinking about all that happened since I last blogged. I had written two part blogs since my last full effort. The first was discussing the pro’s and con’s of various photo image hosting that I had available to me and asking you dear readers your opinions. Thing is by trying it up, make me think more and more about it and I made up my own mind. I’ve decided to upgrade my fotopic account to a premium account. Which means that I can have more galleries on there and more importantly be able to sell copies of my photos. So far I’ve added some aircraft photos and I’ll copy across my church photos and eventually all my general photos. This will mean that my account will not be renewed when its due.
I did another part blog about the weekend and going to the village show in the village where Sue was brought up. I did enjoy the show. Especially coming away with some nice books from the book stall, couple of nice plants and winning a coconut, two bottles of wine and a bottle of whisky. Didn’t enter any veg into the show. Haven’t got any at the moment available to be show, they have either been eaten or aren’t ready yet. I guess I’ll try and enter something next year, but I do have issues with the whole thing. Rules and regs on every aspect of the veg, size, colour, shape, how they are presented etc and some people take the whole thing far too seriously for their own good. Mum did really well bringing us all up and there was always food on the table. But whether our spuds had a better skin colour than anyone elses wasn’t important. The fact that they were there was important.
Talking about spuds I’ve harvested my crop of them on Sunday and I’m really pleased with them. Got a huge box full. Lovely. Should keep us going for a while and hopefully reduce the food bill.
However, biggest news is that the criminal element in our society has been trying to break into the factory behind us. Gaining entry via our and our neighbours gardens. We caught a couple trying to hack their was through our gate at the side of the house. We rushed down to chase them off, luckily they legged it before we got outside. So we’re not really sleeping well these days. Feels terrible haven been invaded and knowing they could and probably will come back. My home and home life is so important to me these days.
The great side of this is that we got chatting to out neighbours to the right, who we’d never spoken to before. They turn out to be really nice people and they woman the other side of them seems nice as well. So looks like on the whole we’ve got a really nice bunch of people all round us.
Well nearly at Bournemouth now. Luckily the block behind me got off at Brockenhurst and the smell went with him… So it’s not me stinking the place out.. well not this morning at least.